AI Worms That Spread
'...there were so many worms and counterworms loose in the data-net now' - John Brunner, 1975.
(re: John Brunner, 2/20/2024 ) |
AVATECT Prevents Spoofing Of Avatars
'Your physical appearance is a graphical encryption that the human mind is uniquely qualified to decode.' - Daniel Suarez, 2009.
(re: Daniel Suarez, 2/27/2022 ) |
Neuromorphic Computing Hardare
'He had constructed an organ, a brain, of metal, entirely inorganic and lifeless...' - Edmond Hamilton, 1926.
(re: Edmond Hamilton, 10/29/2019 ) |
IBM's Grain Of Sand Computer
'Our ancestors... thought to make the very sand beneath their feet intelligent...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 4/6/2018 ) |
Desktopography Makes Virtual Desktops Real
'Ender doodled on his desk, drawing contour maps of mountainous islands and then telling his desk to display them in three dimensions...' - Orson Scott Card, 1985.
(re: Orson Scott Card, 7/14/2017 ) |
The Largest Virtual Universe!
'...a machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself .' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 5/19/2017 ) |
ARM Wants To Build Brain Chips
'Slivers of microsoft, angular fragments of colored silicon...' - William Gibson, 1984.
(re: William Gibson, 4/29/2017 ) |
Eterni.me - To Skype With The Dead
'Nothing... left of Jeserac but a galaxy of electrons frozen in the heart of a crystal.'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1956.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 2/26/2017 ) |
IBM's Neuromorphic Chip
'The full sensitivity of the neuristor brain was not appreciated at first.' - Roger Zelazny, 1976.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 9/18/2016 ) |
Terminal Snooping At Bloomberg
'The evidence began with a slowed response at her computer terminal.' - Frank Herbert, 1977.
(re: Frank Herbert, 7/10/2016 ) |
Will There Be A Digital Afterlife?
'A quick exchange of energies resulting from the relocation of discorporate states.' - Samuel R. Delany, 1968.
(re: Samuel R. Delany, 7/9/2016 ) |
Microsoft's Surface Book Is Part Clipboard
'Floyd sometimes wondered if the Newspad, and the fantastic technology behind it, was the last word in man's quest for perfect communications...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1968.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 11/6/2015 ) |
Melomics Avant Garde Computer Musician
'Rollo sat at the keyboard, prim, inhuman, rigid, twin lenses focused somewhere off into the shadows...'- Herbert Goldstone, 1953.
(re: Herbert Goldstone, 6/12/2015 ) |
First Commercial Artificial Brain?
'He had constructed an organ, a brain, of metal, entirely inorganic and lifeless...'- Edmond Hamilton, 1926.
(re: Edmond Hamilton, 12/28/2013 ) |
Nanowire Memristor Networks Form 'Brains'
'He had constructed ... a brain, of metal... whose atomic structure he claimed was analogous to the atomic structure of a living brain.'- Edmond Hamilton, 1926.
(re: Edmond Hamilton, 4/12/2013 ) |
US Census Will Be Online In 2020
'Most would be in English, but some would be in Spanish, some in Amerind languages, some in Chinese...'- John Brunner, 1975.
(re: John Brunner, 4/3/2013 ) |
Wireless Brain-Computer Interface
'I used my implant to tell MILLIE [a mainframe computer] what we wanted and she took care of it," Art said.'- Pournelle and Niven, 1981.
(re: Pournelle & Niven, 3/5/2013 ) |
New SimCity On Global Rollout
'... you gave him a whole civilization to rule and have dominion over forever?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 3/4/2013 ) |
'STANDUP' Computer Comedian
'The potentiometers indicated the machine's lyrical capacitance was charged to the maximum...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 1/10/2013 ) |
'Neuristor' Acts Like Your Brain's Neurons
'He had constructed an organ, a brain, of metal, entirely inorganic and lifeless, yet whose atomic structure he claimed was analogous to the atomic structure of a living brain.'- Edmond Hamilton, 1926.
(re: Edmond Hamilton, 1/6/2013 ) |
Thumb Kiss On Pair App For iPhone
'What he got was indeed a kiss. It was disconcerting. No kissing lips were visible...'- Frederik Pohl, 1965.
(re: Frederik Pohl, 12/5/2012 ) |
Lunar Supercomputer Complex
'When Mike was installed in Luna, he was pure thinkum, a flexible logic... a HOLMES FOUR.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/21/2012 ) |
Steve Jobs 1955-2011
Steve Jobs was a one-of-a-kind visionary whose creations had a profound effect on my life. Rest in peace.
(re: Various, 10/4/2011 ) |
Computers Need Your Help In Image Recognition
Science fiction fans benefited from the work of Harry Harrison, who discussed the kinds of help that human beings could give to computers and robots fifty years ago.
(re: Harry Harrison, 12/1/2010 ) |
Sony Internet TV Foreseen In 1946
'It looks like a vision-receiver used to, only it's got keys instead of dials and you punch the keys for what you wanna get.'
(re: Murray Leinster, 10/7/2010 ) |
eXistenZ iPhone Charger Cable
This umbilical cord-inspired iPhone charger may make you think about Halloween early this year.
(re: Various, 10/3/2010 ) |
Augmented (Hyper)Reality Video
What will our augmented reality future actually look like? I think that Keiichi Matsuda has presented an interesting view in this short video.
(re: Various, 2/16/2010 ) |
Gesture Cube Touch-Free Input
Just think of the gestures you'll use with this lovely cube that you can take with you throughout your domicile.
(re: Douglas Adams, 2/4/2010 ) |
First Transistor That Mimics Brain Synapse
The only way to get human-style computer brains is to get the components right. This is the first transistor that really mimics brain connections.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 2/1/2010 ) |
Muscle-Computer Interface Video
Excellent short video illustrates muscle-computer interfaces, as seen in sf (thanks, readers!).
(re: Harry Harrison, 1/6/2010 ) |
Cybercrimes Of The Decade
Cybercrime is larger and more varied, what will the next decade bring?
(re: John Brunner, 1/5/2010 ) |
Intel Developing Brain Chip Computer Interface
'Very useful gadget, but you can communicate with a computer about as well with a good briefcase console.' I still want my computer communication implant.
(re: Pournelle and Niven, 11/24/2009 ) |
Human Brains For Robots?
In science fiction, it's usually space aliens who decide to use human brains to run things. However, in the real present it's the humans who are working on it.
(re: Keith Laumer, 10/20/2009 ) |
Courier Tablet Computer - Microsoft's Prototype
Interesting two-page tablet computer prototype from Microsoft is very similar to a Toshiba prototype from almost five years ago. Does it make you think of a runcible?
(re: Neal Stephenson, 9/22/2009 ) |
Computers Now Lip Read Like Humans
Remember that very far-fetched scene in 2001 where a computer reads lips? Not so far-fetched anymore.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 9/18/2009 ) |
Hot Ice Computer
Can you create a massively-parallel computer with a solution of super-saturated sodium acetate? Watch the video.
(re: Various, 9/6/2009 ) |
Computers May Crack Ancient Texts
Is it a language or is it just a bunch of little pictures? National pride fuels the debate between scholars on the Indus Valley script. Those who enjoyed the movie Blade may have seen this idea before.
(re: Various, 9/1/2009 ) |
WAHHA GO GO Laughing Head
This baroque device recreates the sound of the human laugh by means of clever clockwork and reconstructions of human pipes and lips. Why make such a thing when synth chips cost nothing.
(re: William Gibson, 8/27/2009 ) |
Buying a Tablet Computer?
I think that tablet computers might just make it this time around. Here's why.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 8/5/2009 ) |
U.S. Cyber Challenge - Greetings, Starfighter!
It's time for all good geeks to come to the defense of their country. The DoD hopes to attract and train at least 10,000 students to help defend our national cyberspace.
(re: Various, 7/27/2009 ) |
Bacterial 'Computer' Solves Math Problem
Genetically modified bacteria solve yet another math problem. It takes a while to program them, but when you can double your number of processors every few hours, the calculations go faster.
(re: Greg Bear, 7/26/2009 ) |
'Nearest Tube' Augmented Reality iPhone App
Newest decal required on the iPhone: 'Please don't attempt to drive or walk based on the image you see on your iPhone, held right up against your eyes.'
(re: Vernor Vinge, 7/18/2009 ) |
HTC Magic Smartphone At Google IO
Take a look at what they gave us at Google IO 2009; maybe the most remarkable pocket-sized computer you ever owned.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 5/28/2009 ) |
WolframAlpha Is Not A Search Engine
I see the WolframAlpha computational knowledge engine in two science-fictional ways, but their engineers might be seeing another.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 5/20/2009 ) |
Universities Irrelevant By 2020
A Brigham Young University professor foresees the end of the university as we know it. But will it come soon enough?
(re: Isaac Asimov, 4/22/2009 ) |
Evidence.com Virtual Evidence Warehouse By TASER
This company seems to be building what Charles Stross called 'CopSpace' and all of the hardware and software needed to store police 'lifelogs' and geospatial analytics.
(re: Charles Stross, 3/11/2009 ) |
RealView 3D Scanner - For Your Desk
This handy little desktop wonder can bring at least the external details of any object (that fits) right in to the digital world.
(re: Jack Vance, 1/12/2009 ) |
SCIgen - Computer Generates CS Papers
Read about this paper-generating program and wonder at a brand new, ground-breaking paper by five science fiction titans - Asimov, Gallun, Herbert, Russell and Heinlein.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 12/27/2008 ) |
DoD Computers Penetrated In Cyber-Attack
Attacks on DoD computers forced military leaders to brief President Bush this week; I wonder if they read to him from Neuromancer to help him understand it?
(re: William Gibson, 11/28/2008 ) |
OLO iPhone-based Laptops
This is a really slick idea if you haven't seen it; at the right price point, this would be a great answer to those small net-surfing laptops.
(re: Various, 10/14/2008 ) |
Yotify Scouts Work The Web For You
Nifty application site offers 'google alerts on steroids' which sf fans will certainly recognize from some of their favorite novels.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 9/26/2008 ) |
The Evolution Of Spore
Fascinating computer game has many roots in both science and fiction.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 9/11/2008 ) |
I-9/11 Event Would Bring iPatriot Act
Interesting argument by Lessig regarding the free Internet that we all use, and how easily our freedom might be lost.
(re: John Brunner, 8/6/2008 ) |
Toriton Plus Like Cylon Datastream
Humans seem to be catching up with Cylon tech; at least this music controller seems to have more going on than simply the production of music.
(re: Various, 5/17/2008 ) |
Cyberwalk CyberCarpet VR Locomotion
This 'magic carpet' is the latest in a continuing effort to create the floor for a ST:TNG-style holodeck.
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 4/12/2008 ) |
Virtusphere Videos
This ultimate gaming environment has been installed in a number of places; good videos are now available.
(re: , 3/20/2008 ) |
Fictional Interfaces By Mark Coleran
Coleran created some of the most futuristic interfaces for the good guys - and the bad guys - in some of your favorite movies.
(re: Various, 12/10/2007 ) |
Aleutia E1 Solar-Powered Linux Computer
This little unit is maybe the most green computer you can buy; is there a smaller (or another) unit that is sold as a solar-powered computer?
(re: Various, 12/4/2007 ) |
Air Hockey Table Made From iPhone
This little app just sort of struck me as cool; perhaps it is because I'm hoping that an iPhone might appear for me this Christmas.
(re: Various, 11/21/2007 ) |
Virtual Theft From Habbo Hotel
When there is a theft of virtal goods in a virtual world, does your avatar spend time in a virtual jail? Interesting tie-in with an excellent new Charles Stross novel.
(re: Charles Stross, 11/17/2007 ) |
Kindle E-Book Reader From Amazon
Yet another e-book reader, you say? Maybe, but this one has online book powerhouse Amazon.com behind it.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 11/17/2007 ) |
America's Army Arcade Game
Looks like the US Army is finally getting the picture - the motion picture 'The Last Starfighter,' that is.
(re: Various, 7/26/2007 ) |
Chinese Cyberwar Units Prepare For Netwar
Science fiction authors warned us and gave us the weapon concepts we needed - the Pentagon now tells us about Chinese netwar capabilities.
(re: William Gibson, 5/29/2007 ) |
Augmented Reality Shopping In Osaka
Using this system, you could see how you looked in different items of apparel without that tedious dressing and undressing.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 12/7/2006 ) |
The Vacuum Tube Supercomputer Centre
Offering 'true vector computing at competitive prices', the Supercomputing Centre 'makes maintenance possible with a fork lift instead of tweezers and a magnifier.'
(re: Jack Haldeman, 7/21/2005 ) |
Google Earth And VPlanet Explorer
These two products provide functionality similar to the CIC Earth software in Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 6/30/2005 ) |
Sony Patents Ultrasound Brain Beam Matrix
Now entertainment giant Sony has patented a method of beaming an artificial world of experience - The Matrix - directly into your brain using ultrasound.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 4/7/2005 ) |
The Origins Of Cyberspace Up For Auction At Christie's
If you happen to be in NYC on February 23rd, you might want to bid on the amazing items in Christie's The Origins of Cyberspace: A Library on the History of Computing, Networking and Telecommunications.
(re: William Gibson, 2/2/2005 ) |
Can Computer Tapeworms And Viruses Be Your Friends
Computer tapeworms and viruses are feared by computer users today. But the creator of the term "computer virus" conceived of them as being helpful (as well as potentially harmful).
(re: John Brunner, 8/6/2004 ) |
The Latest In Quantum-Dot Switches
Quantum dot switches made up of pairs of tiny puddles of forty to sixty paired electrons show promise as the building blocks for quantum computers.
(re: Greg Bear, 4/30/2004 ) |
Cypak Disposable Paper Computer With RFID Antenna
The company uses conductive ink and adhesives to print electronic circuits and antennas on paper and plastic. The RFID antenna allows for transmission over short distances.
(re: Frank Herbert, 3/24/2004 ) |
Siemens PenPhone Watches While You Write
The PenPhone has an integrated handwriting recognition facility; the device will interpret hand movements during the act of writing and translate them directly into SMS.
(re: Frank Herbert, 2/9/2004 ) |
ARPANET Turns 30
The ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency NETwork) turns thirty this week. The original network was used to pioneer many of the techniques and protocols we take for granted on the Internet.
(re: William Gibson, 11/20/2003 ) |