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"...the people dealing with these new technologies will still be derived from the human stock we're familiar with today."
- Charles Stross

Flip to Brake  
  Maneuver to put the tail end (with rocket output) in the forward direction of travel to use for lowering velocity.  

A clever, and realistic, strategy. This is an early use of this idea; I can't think of an earlier one.

“Unless I’ve gone cuckoo, I saw that three-cornered rock,” he muttered as he set the keys for a complete half turn. “And not just one of those strangely familiar rocks, but the very same one I saw by that platinum bed!”

The cylindrical vehicle gently swung in a half circle at his manipulations with the keys, and blasted the rear tubes straight into its course of flight. But Timothy put on all the rocket force it was safe to use to slow the boat. He was pressed uncomfortably back into the seat. Far in front he could see the black outline of the asteroid he wanted to reach, that he had just passed. It grew smaller for a while as the rockets cut down the forward inertia, then began to grow in size as the boat was pushed back along its previous course.

Technovelgy from Murder on the Asteroid, by Eando Binder.
Published by Wonder Stories in 1933
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Robert Heinlein described this idea in his 1941 classic Methuselah's Children:

As Lazarus approached his rendezvous with the Chili he signaled from the gig; the Chili's transponder echoed, to his relief-he had little faith in gear he had not personally overhauled and a long search for the Chili at this point would have been disastrous.

He figured the relative vector, gunned the gig, flipped, and gunned to brake-homed-in three minutes off estimate, feeling smug. He cradled the gig, hurried inside...

See also Cargo for Colony 6 (1958) by Christopher Anvil:

There was the soft chime of a bell over the earphones, then a wash of colors. Then a violent slam back into the acceleration chair as the ship sprang forward, swung head-for-tail, then braked hard...

The whole ship sprang forward, ramming New far back in the acceleration couch and choking the breath out of him. There was a high, squeaking screech, and his insides seemed to twist sidewise and up. A nauseous sense of being wrenched two ways at once gripped him, and he was swallowed in a rush of blackness. His last dwindling sensations were of a heavy crash and an abrupt silence...

"...just exactly what . . . did you do just then?”

"Spun the ship like a gyro,” said Hughes proudly, "jammed on full forward acceleration, then gave her everything I had to jerk the tail side-wise and around in a new direction. She really jumped, and then I improvised a little.” He chortled.

The 2016 series The Expanse is very true-to-life in space; this maneuver is shown.

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  More Ideas and Technology from Murder on the Asteroid
  More Ideas and Technology by Eando Binder
  Tech news articles related to Murder on the Asteroid
  Tech news articles related to works by Eando Binder

Articles related to Space Tech
Denmark Joins The 'Zero Debris Charter' To Clean Up Space
Starship Special Edition For Lunar Shuttle
Capturing Asteroids With Nets
Project Hyperion - Generation Ship Designers Needed!

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