Project MARCH is an ongoing design effort. The goal of Project MARCH VII is to
build an exoskeleton that allows a pedestrian to walk by continuously generating gait patterns based on the perceived environment.
In his wonderful 1932 classic A Conquest of Two Worlds, Golden Age great Edmond Hamilton wrote about how scientists solved the problem of how to work in the heaviest gravity environment in the solar system. He doesn't quite get to the idea of an exoskeleton (see the medical exoskeleton described in Fritz Leiber's 1968 novel A Specter is Haunting Texas for that); I imagine this looking like metal pants:
The greatest difficulty, Crane saw, was Jupiter's gravitation...
Earth's scientists solved the problem to some extent by devising rigid metallic clothing not unlike armor which would support the interior human structure against Jupiter's pull. Crane's men were also administered compounds devised by the biochemists for the rapid building of bone to strengthen the skeleton structure...
(Read more about Hamilton's Rigid Metallic Clothing)
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Poul Anderson's 'Brain Wave'
"Everybody and his dog, it seemed, wanted to live out in the country; transportation and communication were no longer isolating factors."
AI Note-Taking From Google Meet
'... the new typewriter that could be talked to, and which transposed the spoken sound into typed words.'