"Plasma windows can separate vacuum and atmosphere, or regions of high and low vacuums, in a way which facilitates transmission of various particle beams and/or radiation from low- to high-pressure regions. In a prototype device, a stabilized plasma arc was properly configured to function as a nonsolid plasma window. Since charged particles can be focused by these arcs, focusing of such beams is a secondary function of this device."
The civilians were chattering among themselves - "But there's no air in here!" Staley yelled.
"Not here, sir," Hasner said. He pointed. "Some kind of box thing there, makes like a curtain, Mr. Staley. Air can't get through it but we can."
The Marine Gunner stepped gingerly through the invisible barrier. He had to push. "Like - maybe kind of like the Field, Mr. Staley. Only not so thick."
(Read more about the pressure curtain)
I couldn't find a suitable Star Trek TNG video, but this idea was also used in the original Star Wars movie (1976):
Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 4/1/2022)
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Nano-Chainmail 2D Mechanically Interlocked Polymer
'Nemourlon armor of reasonable weight resists penetration by most fragments and any bullet that is not both reasonably heavy and fairly high-velocity.'
Humans Love Helping Other Species
'At the ringside opposite them a table had been removed to make room for a large transparent plastic capsule on wheels.'