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Comments on Audi Robot Yearns For An Upgrade
Will the social robots of the future share their anxieties and their yearning for upgrades? (Read the complete story)

"Of course this technology idea was taken to new heights in the Robin William's flick Millennium Man"
(Dewtey 2/22/2011 5:09:15 AM)
"I never saw the movie (I guess I'm expected to see sf films, so I'm a little embarrassed). Any additional information would be appreciated."
(Bill Christensen 2/22/2011 11:31:41 AM)
"Williams is a family's robot and constantly gets upgraded over the course of several decades, finally gains near human looks and feelings. Falls in love with the grand daughter of his former master, gets the final upgrade that puts his programming into a biological body that can actually age, marries her and they both die of old age, in bed. Oops, my mistake, it's Bicentennial Man "
(Dewtey 2/22/2011 2:45:53 PM)
"Sounds like Robin William's cup of tea. I knew which film you meant, but I didn't know the title. I was put off by the advertising; maybe I'll go ahead and check it out."
(Bill Christensen 2/22/2011 6:09:37 PM)

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