Comments on Wall-Climbing Robots Use Compliant Electroadhesion
These robots have a unique way of sticking to just about any surface. (Read
the complete story)
"I'm pretty sure that this is the same wall-climbing robot from SRI.
(Bill Christensen 5/30/2008 3:54:38 AM)
"I'm thinking three things - 1) excellent way to spy on folks by listening thru the walls or windows, or extending an arm with an RF cam lens on it to a window corner, 2) DHS probably has a fat contract for a bunch of them out already, and 3) they might not work so well if your walls are dirty - as in loose dust / dirt on the surfaces.
Anybody know about that #3?"
(Dave 7/8/2008 8:29:50 AM)
Poul Anderson's 'Brain Wave'
"Everybody and his dog, it seemed, wanted to live out in the country; transportation and communication were no longer isolating factors."
AI Note-Taking From Google Meet
'... the new typewriter that could be talked to, and which transposed the spoken sound into typed words.'