Comments on Six-Legged Robot Lunar Bases Change Everything
This is a huge shift for NASA; from a fixed moon base exploration strategy, to imagining astronauts as nomadic explorers, taking their habitat with them. (Read
the complete story)
"Here's a video that shows how the ATHLETE robot can attach various tools to its flexible legs - Transformer-style!
This video actually changes my opinion of Transformers; it always seemed strange to me that a robot's arm or leg might have a wheel just sticking out from it. Now, it makes sense."
(Bill Christensen 4/5/2008 2:22:37 PM)
"Very interesting, but more importantly, very doable and productive, if not efficient.
A near fatal pity of a disaster that we would have to wait until 2020 or so to try it out in real use on the real lunar or other body."
(Joe Rotello 4/7/2008 3:39:39 PM)
"Joe - I agree. A idea like this makes everything about a lunar exploration plan better. I think that it would also reduce the time that it would take to evaluate (and if necessary discard) particular sites. You can only see so much from overflights."
(Bill Christensen 4/7/2008 5:21:28 PM)
"This robot has a lot more applications than simply lunar exploration. This thing could be used for a whole host of purposes right here including military, policing, construction, and excavation just to name a few."
(Corbs 4/8/2008 8:24:10 AM)
"Transformers, anyone know if this idea originated from the film?
to build one of those Six Legged Robot Bases big enough to support a base on the moon or anywhere else for that matter would involve alot of work."
(Henrey 4/9/2008 7:25:29 AM)
"none of your videos work on my computer. What's up? R U using some unusual video software? I'm running Vista 64 bit."
( 4/9/2008 5:16:29 PM)
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'At the ringside opposite them a table had been removed to make room for a large transparent plastic capsule on wheels.'