Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Perspiration As Biometric Identification
Would it be faster to just get sniffed at an airline checkpoint, as opposed to showing ID? (re: Jim Thomas)

Brain Wave Patterns Predict Mistakes
If we work on this a bit more, we might even be able to prethink. Just a little. (re: Philip K. Dick)

MindCite Data Mining Crime Fighting BatComputer
This computer effort combines information from many different sources. Object: crime-fighting. (re: Bob Kane)

Do Elementary Particles Have Free Will?
Princeton mathematicians take their case to the public - if you have free will, so do elementary particles. (re: A.E. van Vogt)

Information Age Prayer Pray-O-Mat
Can a machine say prayers for you? Now, you can test it out. (re: Roger Zelazny)

Robotic Fish To Detect Pollution
These lifelike robotic fish will use chemical sensors to find the source of hazardous pollutants in the water. (re: Michael Swanwick)

Carbon Nanotube Muscles
This technology provides an amazing increase in force per unit area of standard (i.e., human) muscles. (re: HG Wells)

Cajun Crawler Like Segway With Legs - Lots Of Legs
This unique vehicle has the creepiest locomotion I've seen in a while. (re: Various)

Roomba Detects Emotions Like HAL-9000
Just wait until this device is used to control more powerful technology. Let sleeping Krell lie, I say. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Space Debris Cleanup Suggestions Ignored
It's not like writers didn't do everything they could to sound the alarm - and suggest solutions. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

CareBot MSR Personal Care Robot
New entry in the home and health care robotics area; it can even make use of your own family's colloquial expressions. (re: Various)

Grapevine Pruning Robot
Do robots deserve a day of rest? New robot prototype perform pruning chores cheaper than people. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Yoshiyuki Sankai And His HAL Exoskeleton
Fascinating series of interviews on video shows how a prominent roboticist read science fiction as a child, and then worked to make it come true as an adult. (re: Isaac Asimov)

BaR2D2 Robot Celebrates St. Patrick's Day
Robotic mobile bar gets into the spirit of the day. Nice hat, BaR2D2. (re: Various)

Robot Land: Robot Theme Park In Korea
Is Robot Land the vacation of the future? You may get your wish by 2013. (re: Michael Crichton)

Giant Sand Worms Once Roamed The Earth
Bless the Maker! Distant ancestors of Shai-hulud once roamed our own Earth. May His passage cleanse the world. Dune fans around the world tremble in fear. (re: Frank Herbert)

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