Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Miniature Telescope Implanted In Eye
Although implanting a telescope in the eye is impressive, I find myself wondering when the implant will offer 10x magnification. (re: Various)

Robot Scientist Makes Autonomous Discovery
Automating the scientific process; I wonder if they'll also automate the process of competing for resources in academia. (re: John M. Faucette)

Wrong Tomorrow - A Brin Predictions Registry?
This site keeps track of predictions, and might help us separate the seers from the blowhards. (re: David Brin)

Flat Flexible Loudspeakers From Warwick Audio
The development of this technology will make possible devices by authors like Ellison, Dick and Sterling. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Fall Into Black Hole Video
Two researchers create a carefully reasoned explanation of the view from within a black hole on this video. Oh, and you'll need trinocular vision as shown in this illustration. (re: Various)

Fuel Cell Uses Human Blood
Interesting microbial fuel cell that uses yeast to process glucose in blood. Just the thing for that implant you were looking at - who needs to go looking for batteries? (re: Various)

Robotic Bulldozer Force Doubles In Israel
These remote-controlled behemoths are under control for now. (re: Niven and Pournelle)

Smart Dew Sensor Monitoring
Not quite dust-sized, but we're getting closer. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

Honda Thought-Controlled Robot
If you're going to have a robotic doppelganger, it should move using your thoughts alone. Updated! (re: Various)

Narcisystem Belt - The Biometric Self Captured
In this experiment, biometric data is used to make the environment all about the user. (re: )

Living Robot Has Biological Brain
Recent developments and more details about these robots with reorganized living rat neuron brains. A first step toward swibble-culture, Mr. Dick? (re: Philip K. Dick)

PQ Labs Multi-Touch G2 Hands On Interface
This display might just sneak in ahead of both Microsoft and Apple; video shows how a customized interface can help game play. (re: Various)

Hotelicopter Hovering Hotel
This clever fake also has a nicely 'shopped video. (re: Jack Vance)

Tesla Model S Not Your Grandfather's Electric Phaeton
Tesla has finally unveiled their electric car for the rest of us; take a look at the future of the electric Phaeton. (re: John Jacob Astor IV)

ApriAttenda Robot Nurse For Aging Japan
Three main factors are pushing the Japanese into creating these robotic servants, which they will then market around the world. (re: Ray Bradbury)

Total Health Surveillance Near
Yes, that's right - 24 hours per day, 7 days per week medical monitoring is coming, whether you want to or not. (re: William Gibson)

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