Edmond Hamilton:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Edmond Hamilton (1904-1977) began writing science fiction in 1924. Along with E.E. "Doc" Smith, he created the space opera genre. He started writing for DC Comics, in their Superman series, in the 1940's. He continued in this activity through the 1960's.

"Entered Westminster College at the ripe age of 14. Three years later the dean summoned me and gently informed me that regular attendance was necessary to an education and that mine had become so irregular he had decided to suspend it altogether. Education over, I did some newspaper work, for a while getting out a most unhumorous humor column. Then because I hated, and still hate, indoor work, graduated to railroading and an assistant-yardmaster’s job.

I sold my first story to a weird magazine in 1925. Thus I started on the downward path. Right now I am tackling fiction as a whole-time proposition.

Height, five feet ten, weight, one hundred and fifty, white and unmarried. Swimming is my favorite amusement, though I like hiking, too. I consider golf and bridge games for dimwits, but like poker."

(Edmond Hamilton)

Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

Cold Ray
A device that pulled warmth from anything it was aimed at.

The Atomic Conquerors (1927)

Exploring a comet!

Creatures of the Comet (1931)

A device that sends out audible tones to control flesh-monsters.

Creatures of the Comet (1931)

Computer Vision (Artificial Eye)
A device which, attached to a suitable computer, will allow the device to see.

The Metal Giants (1926)

Concentrated Cosmic Radiation
Passing through a region of intense radiation alters lifeforms.

The Face of the Deep (1942)

Control Helmet
A device which causes an entire race of people to think and feel the same as the wearer.

Easy Money (1938)

Small, square animals that can combine to create a larger entity.

The Face of the Deep (1942)

Ravening pale beams of light used in space battles.

Crashing Suns (1928)

A tiny implanted explosive capsule can be activated remotely.

Doom Over Venus (1940)

De-atomizing Ray - a disintegration beam
Beam of energy causes matter to fly apart.

Crashing Suns (1928)

Dimension Shifting Apparatus
Achieves faster than light space travel by moving into a different, parallel dimension.

Cosmic Quest (1936)

Dreams sent directly to the brain are more popular than movies.

Doom Over Venus (1940)

An establishment wherein one could find the finest dream adventures placed in his own mind.

Doom Over Venus (1940)

The mechanism that sent standardized dreams into the brain.

Doom Over Venus (1940)

Electric Wall
A wall of electric force.

The World With A Thousand Moons (1942)

The latest thing in electrically stimulated learning.

The Knowledge Machine (1948)

Etheric Propulsion-Vibrations
Faster-than-light travel.

The Star-Roamers (1933)

Evolution Machine
A device that accelerates the process of evolution by millions of times.

The Man Who Evolved (1931)

A device that dematerializes a person and then sends forth a ray that will then rematerialize a person at the end.

Easy Money (1938)

Flexible Metal Arms (Tentacles)
An interesting description of how mechanical tentacles might function.

The Metal Giants (1926)

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