Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

SCRATCHbot Robot Rat Whiskers Video
This is a pretty good video showing progress in the almost sixty year-old idea of whiskered robots. (re: Ray Bradbury)

Responsive Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
A special display lets users see themselves in two different sets of clothing at the same time. (re: Harry Harrison)

Mars Robot Takes Up Stargazing
Robots with time (and energy) on their hands need tasks to perform. How about spending time looking up, and not just down, at a planetary surface? (re: Larry Niven)

AcceleGlove Open-Source Data Glove
This device was developed at great expense by your government, and now you can have one at a very reasonable price; developers use Java to program it. (re: Steven Spielberg)

Chewing Robot Hailed By Would-Be Flesh-Eating Bots
Finally, a way to perform meaningful clinical trials of dental materials. And equip robots with chewing, gnashing teeth. (re: Ray Bradbury)

Google Earth Typography
What do aliens see when they look at Earth from afar? Maybe letters. (re: Jules Verne)

Domed Cities - For Earth?
Is it really time to start thinking about whether or not we need to start covering Earth cities to protect them (and us) from the rest of our own planet? (re: HG Wells)

Robotic Microsurgery Instrument Goes Anywhere
The idea of robotic micro-surgical instruments has a longer history in sf than in medicine. This powerful TED talk displays the latest devices. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Hero Dog From 9/11 Cloned 5X
Although not all the clones are exact duplicates, it's a remarkable process. (re: Various)

Cleaning Up Chernobyl With Beets
Another interesting scheme to try to cut the amount of time that tens of thousands of kilometers of countryside must lay fallow due to radioactive fallout. (re: Gregory Benford)

AltaRock's Quake-Inducing Geothermal Energy Search
People need alternative energy sources in California; are there any ways of getting what we need that are free of consequences? (re: LucasArts)

Hovering Levi-Table
Furniture that floats - that's the future - at least of the office - according to Kurt Vonnegut. (re: Kurt Vonnegut)

Toyota i-Real Personal Transport Now In Use
Sit up straight if you want to look pedestrians in the eye, then recline for speed. With video. (re: Various)

Optogenetics - Fiber Optic Brain Control
Possibly a cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and epilepsy. Also, possibly a way to selectively control the behavior of any individual. (re: Vernor Vinge)

Shrapnel-Locating Autonomous Robot
This autonomous robotic arm uses a biopsy needle and a special technique to find bits of shrapnel as small as 2 mm needle fragments in the body. (re: Larry Niven)

Underwater Mine Detection Robots Vs. Wabbler
The Navy is trying to create a smarter mine hunting robotic system. I think I can predict the logical countermove. (re: Murray Leinster)

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