Neowater is an enabling technology that uses water-based nanotechnology. It uses nanoparticles to modify the properties of the water molecules that surround them.
Neowater is based on over ten years of research by Israeli company Do-Coop Technologies. The concept is explained in the following video.
(Neowater video)
The chemical composition of the water remains unchanged. Neowater creates a new, superior micro-environment for molecular interactions, activation and reactions to deliver important benefits for research, diagnostics and biopharmaceutical applications. Accelerating and improving the efficiency of biological reactions, researchers can reduce the concentrations, volume and toxicity which shorten regulatory processes. And in vivo emulation allows actual work to be carried out with primary cells instead of cell lines, eliminating the need for years of arduous in vitro R&D adaptation to in vivo...
Neowater closely imitates the water found in the intracellular environment, leading to significant improvements in the delivery of injectable, oral, inhales and topical drugs. The product can also work as a "super" catalyst, reagent, surfactant or buffer, according to the company's website.
SF's most famous brand of restructured water is, of course, ice-nine from Kurt Vonnegut's 1963 novel Cat's Cradle.
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Poul Anderson's 'Brain Wave'
"Everybody and his dog, it seemed, wanted to live out in the country; transportation and communication were no longer isolating factors."
AI Note-Taking From Google Meet
'... the new typewriter that could be talked to, and which transposed the spoken sound into typed words.'