Science Fiction in the News Articles
related to the works of

Stanislaw Lem

Stanislaw Lem (b. 1921) is a Polish writer known for his satiric, philosophical and science fictional works. His studies of medicine were interrupted by WWII; he worked as a car mechanic and welder, and was a member of the resistance against the Nazis. Highly critical of American pulp sci-fi literature, he considers his own work to be more mainstream literature. His books have sold over 27 million copies and have been translated into 40 languages, making him one of the most widely read sf authors.

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

New SimCity On Global Rollout
   '... you gave him a whole civilization to rule and have dominion over forever?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
Fabrican - Spray On Clothing
   To change your look, just spray it on. It's clothing in a can - and Stanislaw Lem wrote about it in 1961.
SkyCeiling Big Indoor Sky
   This remarkable product from The Sky Factory is worthy of Hogwarts - and Stanislaw Lem.
UK SimCity-Style Social Policy Model - A Kingdom In A Box
   UK social science researchers make an old idea new again - Stanislaw Lem's 'kingdom in a box.'
Kindle E-Book Reader From Amazon
   Yet another e-book reader, you say? Maybe, but this one has online book powerhouse behind it.
iRex Iliad E-Book Reader AND Writer
   For an alternative to the Amazon Kindle, consider the iLiad device from iRex. No mere reader, it also lets you write all over your ebooks.
SYMBRION - Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms
   Interesting European project on the possibility that small, simple robots could evolve their own adaptive software strategies. Stanislaw Lem described this in detail fifty years ago.
Seek Map Wrist Navigation Concept
   Interesting visual fiction (a concept design) has much earlier roots in sf.
The Evolution Of Spore
   Fascinating computer game has many roots in both science and fiction.
Moral Performance Enhancement
   Is it possible for a person to behave better through the use of pharmaceuticals?
SkyV SkyCeiling From The Sky Factory
   Now that we have amazing sky ceilings, it's time to get to work on those vast underground cities I've been reading about.
Swarm-Bots Take Small Children Away
   It's really up to you whether you are pleased with the idea of a couple dozen swarming robots autonomously finding a small child and pulling her away.
Google Maps Public Transit Layer
   Google maps has caught up with a sixty-year-old vision of Stanislaw Lem's. Nice going, Google!
Waterproof Sand Could Green A Desert Planet
   It won't be easy to coat each grain of sand in a desert, but hard tasks need hard ways. My legions of Fremen will be using very small brushes.
Kindle 2 Reads Aloud, As SF Writers Predicted
   The idea of a mechanized 'book reader' or 'news reader' has been around for more than 100 years; take a look at the imaginative works of five sf writers.
Smart Dew Sensor Monitoring
   Not quite dust-sized, but we're getting closer.
Biggest Electronic Book Store On Earth
   I'm a bit late with this story, but then again, so is Barnes and Noble with that whole electronic bookstore idea.
iRex DR800SG E-Reader Has Unlimited 3G Data
   Unlimited 3G data from Verizon make this an interesting entry.
Crystals In Gel For Computer Memory
   Ah, nothing like curling up at night with a good crystal. A data storage crystal containing tens of thousands of volumes, that is.
Time Inc. Digital Magazine Video
   Compare this video of Time's prototype digital magazine with an earlier tongue-in-cheek video of a real-world handheld device.
iPad With VoiceOver Reads Aloud
   It's been an important part of e-readers for almost sixty years.
Amazon Sells More Ebooks Than Hardcovers
   'I spent the afternoon in a bookstore. There were no books in it.'
Fabrican Spray-On T-Shirt Video
   This video recently turned up; Stanislaw Lem nailed this idea almost fifty years ago.
Pocket God's Hundreds Of Ways To Play God
   Let's not forget who thought about this idea long before The Sims - the amazing Stanislaw Lem.
Google Ebookstore - Great Expectations In The Cloud
   A few glitches in the cloud not withstanding, Google's eBookstore is open for business.
Living Earth Simulator For 'Ultimate Answers'
   It's an explorational device, like the Large Hadron Collider.
Nanowire Transistors For Smallest Computers
   I can see the nanomachine swarm coming now. No, wait, I can't see it.
Thanks For Being Open Apple, Amazon, Barnes And Noble
   In which the author, a modern-day consumer, has a better-than-sfnal experience in shopping for a book.
Directing Microrobot Swarms
   All the robots you can fit on the head of a pin.
Amazon Sells More E-Books Than Books
   Truly mind-boggling development at Amazon.
Bolshoi: Largest Computer Simulation Of The Universe
   'A machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself within it's innumerable memory banks.'
Smart E-Book System Outperforms Apple iBooks
   Take a look at the video with this article, and decide for yourself whether this is better than the iPad.
Illustris: The Next Generation Of Universe Simulation
   'This digital device was ... A machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
Penguin E-Books For Libraries
   Read about it on your iPad.
Hitachi Quartz Glass Memory Lasts Forever
   'The books were crystals with recorded contents.'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
MIT's New Super Slippery Surface
   'The water flowed off those walls without binding tension...' - Frank Herbert, 1965.
'STANDUP' Computer Comedian
   'The potentiometers indicated the machine's lyrical capacitance was charged to the maximum...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965
First Bookless Public Library?
   'No longer was it possible to browse among shelves, to weigh volumes in hand, to feel their heft, the promise of ponderous reading.'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Millimeter-Scale Computing For 'Internet of Things'
   'In their megalomania they thought to make the very sand beneath their feet intelligent...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
75 Percent Of Americans Prefer Paper Books!
   'The books were crystals with recorded contents.'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Must Breaking Up Be Hard To Do?
   'Whoever was placed inside the apparatus instantaneously experienced all the charms, lures, wiles, winks and witchery of all the fairer sex in the Universe at once.'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
SRI International's Speedy, Ant-Sized Microrobot Swarm
   'As if swarms of tiny animals were busily scurrying about...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
PaperFold Foldable Smartphone
   ' gave me a little plastic book with four fold-outs'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Robot Swarm Obeys Commands
   'What is the nature of this cloud? What is your opinion?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
Amazing ARES Augmented Reality Sandbox
   'First he showed him where the input and output of his brand-new kingdom were, and how to program wars...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
The Poet Is A Computer
   'The potentiometers indicated the machine's lyrical capacitance was charged to the maximum...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
Bridge-MINDER Repair Robot
   'The repair robots had started out on their rounds...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
Coleus LED 'Skylight' Dispenses Natural Sunlight Indoors
   'How do they work it so that the sky is visible at every level of the city?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Swarming Intelligent Aquatic Surface Robots Ahoy!
   'A remote-controlled emulsion, as it were, with uniform center...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Data Crystals Offer Eternal Storage
   'The books were crystals with recorded contents...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Audiobooks - Fastest Growing Format In Publishing
   'The public preferred lectons...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
SPIDER Repair Robots From Lockheed Martin Blimps
   'The repair robots had started out on their rounds... making sure that the hull had not been damaged.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
New Startup 'Improbable' To Model Our World
   'A machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
The Largest Virtual Universe!
   '...a machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself .' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
IBM's Grain Of Sand Computer
   'Our ancestors... thought to make the very sand beneath their feet intelligent...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
Swarm Of Mindless Robots Works Together
   'Very tiny pseudo insects that... can unite to form a superordinate system.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1954
Rolls Royce 'Cockroach-Sized' Repair Robots To Crawl Inside Engines
   'As if swarms of tiny animals were busily scurrying...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
SunnyFive 'Window' Has Full Spectrum Angled Natural Light
   'On the ceilings are screens.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
DNA Controls Swarms Of Molecular Robots
   'They exist in loose swarms...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
Kaleido Color E-Reader Pocketbook Go
   'At a touch, successive pages of the text appeared on it.' Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
Fabrican Dress Sprayed Directly Onto Model On Coperni Runway
   '...that might appeal to women, because by discharging from a few or a few dozen bottles a liquid that immediately set into fabrics... they could have a new creation every time.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
AI-Trained Snack App Avatar Goes On Dates For You
   '... who let their handbag computers carry all the conversation.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1983. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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