There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. (Read the full article)

"I've heard it was originally put forth in the days of the great depression, but I think Heinlein was the first to actually document it."
(Dana Cline 4/12/2005 10:53:54 AM )
"The "true" origin of the term TANSTAAFL: Near the end of prohibition, in NYC, a city ordinance was created which permitted the sale of alcohol as long as food was also sold. This permitted many speak-easys to become legit. They simply placed a mouldy sandwich on a plate at the end of the bar, and hung a sign over it: "Free Lunch" The phrase "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" thus was born - Robert Heinlein grew up during this period - and later folded the term into "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". He did not originate it - but he CERTAINLY did popularize it!"
(Jim Dean 4/26/2005 5:05:38 PM )
"Sounds plausible Jim, but can you cite any contemporary source where this phrase appears? A newspaper article from the period for example?"
(Texas Pete 10/25/2010 10:54:15 AM )
"Here's a reference: 'TANSTAAFL: a plan for a new economic world order.' Dos Utt, Pierre (1949). Cairo Publications, Canton, OH. As early as 1934 NY mayor Fiorello La Guardia said "È finita la cuccagna!", meaning "No more free lunch";"
(Bill Christensen 10/25/2010 12:04:17 PM )

More info on TANSTAAFL

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