Edmond Hamilton:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Edmond Hamilton (1904-1977) began writing science fiction in 1924. Along with E.E. "Doc" Smith, he created the space opera genre. He started writing for DC Comics, in their Superman series, in the 1940's. He continued in this activity through the 1960's.

"Entered Westminster College at the ripe age of 14. Three years later the dean summoned me and gently informed me that regular attendance was necessary to an education and that mine had become so irregular he had decided to suspend it altogether. Education over, I did some newspaper work, for a while getting out a most unhumorous humor column. Then because I hated, and still hate, indoor work, graduated to railroading and an assistant-yardmaster’s job.

I sold my first story to a weird magazine in 1925. Thus I started on the downward path. Right now I am tackling fiction as a whole-time proposition.

Height, five feet ten, weight, one hundred and fifty, white and unmarried. Swimming is my favorite amusement, though I like hiking, too. I consider golf and bridge games for dimwits, but like poker."

(Edmond Hamilton)

Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

A device that creates a 'group mind', a single mind, from the many gathered around it.

The Universe Wreckers (1930)

Robot Wheel
An enormous vehicular robot in the shape of a gigantic wheel.

The Metal Giants (1926)

Rocket Side Tubes
An early description of attitude jets, course correction by small emissions of gas.

Evans of the Earth-Guard (1930)

Sargasso of Space
A "dead area" in which the gravitational fields of the planets are cancelled out.

The Sargasso of Space (1931)

Ships Propelled By Light Pressure
Space ships that use light pressure from a distant source for propulsion

The Comet Doom (1929)

Shock-Absorbing Seats
Perfect for the many gravities of acceleration upon take-off.

Evans of the Earth-Guard (1930)

Solar Station Switch Room
A power station for the entire solar system.

Doom Over Venus (1940)

Solid Power - it's super-valuable!
A concentrated form of easily accessed energy to supply any need.

Revolt on the Tenth World (1940)

Space Buoy
A marker in space.

Crashing Suns (1928)

Space Bursts
When space itself inflates and eventually blows up.

When Space Burst (1937)

Space Pirate
Space ships taken against their will.

Evans of the Earth-Guard (1930)

The place of judgement for crimes committed in interstellar space.

Murder in the Void (1938)

A 'fishbowl-style' head covering for space explorers.

The Sargasso of Space (1931)

Space-Lanes - like the space-ways
Well-traveled routes through outer space.

Crashing Suns (1928)

A spaceman; someone who makes his living by voyaging in space.

The Star-Roamers (1933)

A bubble of reality.

When Space Burst (1937)

Access to other dimensions provided by splitting space itself.

The Star of Life (1947)

Tall cylinder with a window at eye-level, and pincer-claws controlled by the wearer.

The Universe Wreckers (1930)

Interplanetary spacecraft for the well-to-do.

The Sargasso of Space (1931)

Star Travel
Undertaking a journey between the stars.

Forgotten World (1946)

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