Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Knock-Based Commands Like Heinlein's
Heinlein called this one; Linux programmers now using knock-codes on accelerometer-equipped laptops. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Headband Telepathy And Robinson's Mindkiller
Mind to mind transfer will take at least twenty years, but we're getting there, according to scientists. (re: Spider Robinson)

V-Rambo Wristwatch Video Receiver
This device allows soldiers to see on the other side of buildings, or over the next hill, using real-time video. (re: Ray Cummings)

Mitsubishi Aurora Vision LED Screen And H.G. Wells
Enormous public high definition screen predicted by H.G. Wells seventy years ago. (re: H.G. Wells)

Russians Enjoy 'Total Recall'-Style Fake Vacations
Philip K. Dick fans will enjoy the story of this Russian tour agency that takes a page from We Can Remember It For You Wholesale. (re: Philip K. Dick)

MIT Light-Detecting Fibers Create Niven's Webeye
Amazing fiber web detects light; science fiction gadgets galore may soon exist. (re: Larry Niven)

R7 Ridable Robot
Neal Stephenson, among others, saw this one coming. (re: Neal Stephenson)

Cryogenic Suspension For Humans In Two Years
Heinlein's cold rest gets closer and closer - human trials soon. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Bigelow Genesis I Inflatable First Look
Larry Niven's inflatable space module really works. (re: Larry Niven)

Long Life Family Study (Heinlein's 'Howard Families') Now Recruiting
Robert Heinlein got his program started in the mid-1800's; the NIA is starting late, but maybe they'll still get there. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Animal Controlled Computer Game Plays Pac-Man Vs. Crickets
Humans versus crickets in a Pac-Man style fight to the finish. Who will win? (re: Orson Scott Card)

Explay Nano Projector Pocket Display
Remarkable display projector is smaller than even science fiction authors imagined. (re: Jack Vance)

LSTAT-lite Life Support For Trauma and Transport-lite Demoed
DARPA's LSTAT-lite was demonstrated earlier this month in a real-life format. (re: Larry Niven)

K-NFB Portable Text To Speech
Inventor Ray Kurzweil has portable text to speech ready - how long ago did sf writers think about this idea? (re: David H. Keller)

Brain Chips With Uniform Self-Organized Neurons
No more puddles of neurons; brain chips are now properly organized. (re: Peter Watts)

Audio Bone-Conduction Headphones
Tired of headphones banging on your eardrums? Bang directly on your nerves through your skull instead. (re: Hugo Gernsback)

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