Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

3D Cat Scan Display With Non-Contact Control
This remarkable display not only provides 3D views of CAT scan data, but allows physicians to manipulate the image without having to touch anything. (re: Various)

Near-Miss Asteroid Is Found To Be Artificial
Astronomers about to announce one of the closest near-misses by an asteroid in history, make an amazing discovery. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Ion Mask - Plasma Coating Waterproofs Electronics, Fabrics
This coating is a 'plowshared' technology from P2i, a UK Ministry of Defense contractor. (re: Clifford Simak)

Glasses Camera With Digital Video Recorder
These glasses are an almost perfect match for David Brin's True-vu lenses from his 1990 novel Earth. (re: David Brin)

Robo-Rucksack: Six-Year-Old Designs Talking 'Smart Backpack'
This clever and innovative backpack (or rucksack, as they say in the UK) was designed by an elementary school child. (re: Frank Herbert)

Robot Designed To Break First Law - In Order To Save It
A researcher takes a somewhat different direction in trying to figure out ways to keep robots from hurting people. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Light-Emitting Wallpaper From Jonas Samson
This idea provides a uniquely artistic way of providing indoor lighting. (re: Richard Morgan)

Medusa Quadruped Robot Toy
This little bot can be easily assembled; it is used for classroom instruction in Japan. (re: Various)

Saturn And Forbidden Planet Movie Share Soundtrack
The radio emissions of Saturn captured by the Cassini spacecraft bear an uncanny resemblance to the otherworldly electronic soundtrack of the 1956 movie Forbidden Planet. (re: Various)

Distant Sun Has Planetary System Like Ours
Pretty soon, we'll find one enough like ours that we can start planning a trip. (re: Various)

Robot Arm With Fluidic Muscles
Fascinating robotic arm technology is based on the human skeletal structure. (re: Harry Harrison)

Mod My Life Site Working On Meat Puppets
This is a uniquely disturbing site with a truly bizarre mission - to put you in control of another person. (re: William Gibson)

Toddlers Embrace Our (Giggling) Robotic Overlords
Children show that robots can be friends and peers in this three month study of toddlers and bots. (re: Brian Aldiss)

Breath Powered USB Charger (And Stillsuit)
It appears that a key element of Frank Herbert's stillsuit is now available to help you recharge your gadgets. (re: Frank Herbert)

Carnegie Mellon's Boss Wins DARPA Urban Challenge
It was a complicated call, but Carnegie Mellon pulls it out in the DARPA Urban Challenge. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Mighty Mice Now With PEPCK-Cmus!
These remarkable transgenic mice can run kilometers without stopping. (re: Various)

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