Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Tanaka Auto Door
You may be wondering what is so great about a door that opens only just enough to let a person come in or out... besides being cool. (re: Jules Verne)

Carbon Nanotube Ribbon For Space Elevator
An amazing development - real hyperfilaments just like Clarke described for building a space elevator. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Heliodisplay - Futuristic Display Technology
Films like Star Wars show how images projected into the air might be used. The Heliodisplay from IO2Technology projects images - both still pictures and video - into mid-air. It works with most video sources. It is also interactive, forming a floatin (re: George Lucas)

Piezer - Homeland Security Orders Verne's 1875 'Leyden Ball'
DARPA is looking for an untethered electro-muscular disruption non-lethal stun weapon. (re: Jules Verne)

Lynntech Non-Lethal Weapon - Jules Verne Right Again
Under DARPA's auspices, Lynntech of College Station, Texas, is developing a non-lethal projectile with a longer range than a Taser. (re: Jules Verne)

Inertial Capacitive Incapacitor: HomeSec Does Verne
With Homeland Security, Physical Optics Corporation is taking a page from nineteenth century science fiction writer Jules Verne. (re: Jules Verne)

NASA And Water Security Working On A Stillsuit
Rather than spend $7K per pound on water, recycling would make more sense - now they have a way to do it. (re: Frank Herbert)

NUGGET: NASA's New 'Tricorder'
An experimental instrument could be used to investigate important biological indicators of life - just like Star Trek's tricorder. (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Toshiba Flatbed 3D Display
Remember when R2D2 and Chewbacca were playing a chess-like game with projected pieces? Toshiba invented a table like that. (re: George Lucas)

Doughnut-Shaped Time Machine
Exactly how to generate a gravitational doughnut is not covered in the paper, but Ori has suggestions. (re: H.G. Wells)

Burj Dubai Tower Update
The Burj Dubai tower in the United Arab Emirates is quietly progressing on its goal of being the tallest building in the world. (re: Frank Herbert)

Virtual Girlfriends Updated
Tomb Raider Lara Croft and V-Girl Vivienne, much loved personality-constructs, have both been updated this past week. (re: William Gibson)

Mars Telecommunications Orbiter Canceled
Bad news for this project; George O. Smith in limbo for a while longer. (re: George O. Smith)

Precrime Computer (Minus Precogs) Predicts Robbery
Police in Yonkers use a computer to predict a robbery - and it worked. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Fighting MUSA Robot Unveiled (Kendo, Not Rock'em Sock'em)
The MUSA kendo robot is a logical extension of the traditional "mechanical" aids used for centuries in martial arts. (re: Frank Herbert)

New Materials One Atom Thick Extracted With Micromechanical Cleavage
Science fictional materials are created by extracting individual atomic planes from conventional bulk crystals by using a technique called 'micromechanical cleavage'. (re: Roger Zelazny)

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