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Comments on Waterproof Sand Could Green A Desert Planet
It won't be easy to coat each grain of sand in a desert, but hard tasks need hard ways. My legions of Fremen will be using very small brushes. (Read the complete story)

"It turns out that you won't need to have millions of horribly oppressed desert people to hand paint each grain; here's how the process works.
"The large rolls sandwich the sand between layers of polyethylene and can be produced in lengths of up to 50 metres. “The coating is done in 30 or 45 seconds. We have the capacity of manufacturing 3,000 tonnes per day.”
The plant is ready to meet the demands of potential customers such as Dubai Municipality which has inquired about the product as it works toward greening the Emirate from the current 3.7 per cent of total landscape to eight per cent by 2015.""
(Bill Christensen 2/5/2009 8:38:12 PM)
"Magicians have been making "dry sand" for stage acts for years. It's pretty simple, the sand is mixed with candle wax in a warm pot. It cools into a block which can be broken up back into something which looks like regular sand but stays powder-like when wet. Here's a video I can't watch for some reason. I apologize if it's not about this after all."
(Yossi Preminger 2/6/2009 12:42:07 PM)
"Great. So we can have a billion fat Americans or 15 billion scrawny third-worlders ... before we need the next new magic technological fix again. And maybe there won't be one and there will be apocalyptic famine and a population crash. Or we could just deal with it now and actually PLAN to stabilize the population and feed everybody without crazy designer chemicals in the ground and the food."
(somebody or other 2/12/2009 12:57:21 AM)

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