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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

FlashMob I Supercomputer Takes On Linpack Update
University of San Francisco students attemtp to create an "instant supercomputer" with their FlashMob I Supercomputer software.

SenseCam Camera: Your Personal Black Box Update
SenseCam is a Microsoft research toy, a badge-sized camera that can capture up to 2000 VGA images per day. It also monitors movement, light level and temperature. It's been compared to the airplane "black box."

Transparent Aluminum Used To Make Tinfoil Hats
The tinfoil hat, once the protective device of choice, has become little more than a crude joke in recent years. Improved headgear is now available.

Google AdCense Improves Olfactory Relevancy
Google AdCense computers look at the ad content on your site, and deliver a relevant and vaguely agreeable odor.

Gear For The Timelady: Phone Watch
The pleasures of the rotary phone dial can be yours again in this way retro phone-shaped watch. Not a watchphone - that's Bruce Sterling you're thinking of.

VLe Provides Non-Lethal Response
The VLe handgun provides variable-lethality in the same weapon, giving law enforcement and homeowners a non-violent alternative; like Stephenson's Loogie Gun, only less icky.

StrikeAlert Personal Lightning Detector Gives Warning
There are 8,600,000 lightning strikes per day on Earth - better get your StrikeAlert detector before the Mother of Storms comes to an open field near you! Contact Your Future Self
Have you got something to say to yourself - next year? lets [the present day] you give [the future] you a piece of your mind.

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