Harlan Ellison:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Harlan Ellison has written and/or edited more than 70 books and at least a thousand stories and essays. He is a combative and confrontational writer who seems to be determined to achieve complete originality in every work or die trying. His determination has resulted in eight Hugo awards and three Nebula awards. He has also written teleplays (including Star Trek). His best known anthology is Dangerous Visions.
Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

AM - an Agressive Menace
A supercomputer that hates.

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (1967)

Cardioplate - outta time
A device that could take seconds or minutes off your life, one beat at a time (or all at once).

'Repent Harlequin' Said the Ticktockman (1965)

Celestial Atlas
Planet-by-planet descriptions throughout known space.

No Planet Is Safe (1958)

An elevator shaft with no elevator - the "lift" is from gravity or suppressed inertia.

Deeper Than the Darkness (1957)

A robotic entity serving the function of a trial jury.

Wanted in Surgery (1957)

Landing Legs
Projections from the base of a space craft that allow it to land upright in gravity.

No Planet Is Safe (1958)

A robotic physician.

Wanted in Surgery (1957)

A robotic police officer.

Wanted in Surgery (1957)

Robotic Butterfly
A tiny, electromechanical flying robot.

I, Robot: The Movie (1987)

Talking Pamphlet - maybe too convenient
An instructional pamphlet that instructs you through ordinary speech.

Ellison Wonderland (1974)

(Records 1 to 10 of 10)

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