Mechanical Hound

An eight-legged robotic "hound" with hypodermic poison fangs. (Read the full article)

"I'm finding it hard to picture the hound, at first I pictured a robotic dog, but with eight legs??"
(jon 4/19/2006 8:54:15 AM )
"Another robotic hound is "The Rat Thing" from Snow Crash by Neal Stevenson... it used a dog, but with a nuclear-powered engine and mechanical limbs."
(El Ricardo 5/13/2006 1:29:59 PM )
"its a robotic dog but with 8 legs (kind of rare)"
( 8/30/2006 7:26:28 AM )
"eight legs makes it not a hound anymore basica.lly"
(me 12/4/2006 11:54:21 AM )
"I don't think that it should technically be considered a hound if it had eight legs and it had needle inside its mouth that project out to kill the thing it injest it into. "
(more beautiful than you 12/5/2006 11:05:33 AM )
"You're probably right, but give Bradbury his due as an artist. Calling it a 'hound' both identified it with Dalmation dogs and messed with your head a little. Here's one person's idea of what the Mechanical Hound really looked like:

(Mechanical hound replica)

(Bill Christensen 1/26/2007 11:56:19 AM )
"It was probably called a hound because of its olfactory capabilities."
( 2/24/2008 7:33:56 PM )
"Duh, it is the mechanical hound from Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" It is called a hound because it is meant to hunt and kill."
(Monkey 4/24/2008 3:30:43 PM )
"i think it looks like one of those toy robotic dogs accept 5x bigger ans where theres one leg, there'd be two."
(r 4/27/2008 5:16:17 PM )
"yeah go to"
( 5/10/2008 10:16:45 AM )
"sounds cool why is it called the hound???"
(DaCraken 6/15/2008 7:50:25 PM )
"how big is it in feet???"
(Peepalicious 6/15/2008 7:55:49 PM )
"it doesnt even look like a dog!!! and has anyone even read the book? its totally strange, but it gets you thinking..... "
( 12/4/2008 5:15:01 PM )
"the book was messed up. I had to read it for english class. this "dog" should not have been considered a dog it showed no traits of a dog. It was a killing robot."
(JOHN 12/7/2008 6:16:57 PM )
"What if it was a pug with 8 legs and a needle stickin out of its mouth I read the book proof:Professor Faber made a little seashell thing for Montag and faber to talk and listen to each other"
( 1/11/2009 6:22:28 PM )
"I think it is more of a Robotic Spider, but, i can understand whay 'poetically' it's called a 'hound'"
(BizzyB 3/18/2009 11:45:24 AM )
"thAT is no hound its a spider"
( 4/20/2009 2:16:57 AM )
"IT looks pretty good except that the Hound has a tail also. I also don't think it looks so spiderish."
( 4/29/2009 5:28:17 PM )
"I think that the mechanical dog is awesome!!! YAYAYAYA"
( 5/21/2009 8:13:14 AM )
(PENELOPE 5/21/2009 8:14:04 AM )
"what does this robot hound do?? "
(joe 11/11/2009 7:29:35 PM )
"i want to know how to achive u at this position.Actully i am in B.Tech 1st year so i want to make some thing like this. so please gauid me if u can"
(Dheeraj kumar 2/6/2010 4:01:35 AM )
"it's my email ID"
(Dheeraj kumar 2/6/2010 4:10:19 AM )
"What HOUND!!! It's a spider for gods sake!!!!!!"
( 3/18/2010 5:02:01 AM )
"I have to make a mechanical hound also for a school project but this looks more like a bug as everyone is saying lolol ill post a pic of mine up after im done."
(Victoria 4/18/2010 10:44:48 AM )
"I'm making a hound for school too, and I'm debating wheather to do something like this ( or this (, none of these drawings were mine, I stole them online.....any ideas anyone??...i personally think the less-spidery one is more acurate, because I think Bradbury's goal was to make the hound faster by giving it 8 legs...IDK, any suggestions anyone?"
(Shawn 9/18/2010 12:50:40 PM )
"Shawn, good luck on your project. I kind of liked this picture:

(Bill Christensen 9/20/2010 5:21:59 PM )

"Look at the hounds of tindalos, it's the same premise really. It's only called a hound because it's incredibly efficient at hunting you down."
( 11/8/2010 6:31:24 AM )
"The mechanical hound looked like a Visorak prototype?"
(Erik 9/28/2011 11:09:01 AM )
"this helps me a lot to give me a picture of the Mechanical Hound. I could also see as a dog with iron plates like armor instead of fur..."
(Cackling Eagle 9/28/2011 12:07:53 PM )
"You don't need to be so literal: The 'beetles' are not beetles, the 'salamander' is not a salamander, and the 'seashells' are not real seashells."
(Pete 1/25/2012 3:20:47 AM )
"very excellent"
(rengan 11/2/2012 2:05:34 AM )

More info on Mechanical Hound

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