Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in Vandals from the Moon
by - Marius

"HERE is a different Moon story — a powerful story, which will hold your interest to the end. In this narration, the author brings forth a new means of terrestrial traction that may prove prophetic. We know of no large mechanical vehicle that advances with a snake-like motion at the present time. Anyone who has seen a snake crawl over the ground rapidly, must have wondered how the snake does it. Yet none of our engineers have ever thought of duplicating the snake motion for propelling a heavy body. To us, it looks rather plausible, and certainly for war purposes it would probably be the ideal thing."

('Vandals from the Moon' by Marius)

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Science Fiction
in the News

Chaffeur Robot Musashi Will Drive Your Regular Car
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Space Exporers! Now, You Can Drink Your Own Urine
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SpaceX EVA Spacesuit Tested By Polaris Dawn Crew
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